Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

It was a typical Sunday, it's just that it's especially for me-us-mothers!
Because my hubby had a basketball schedule at 11am, family day was moved a little later. I met my Titas with my daughter at Glorietta and the mall was just jampacked with families from all over, trying to enjoy the day. I have walked past a few restos and oh wow, long queue for the diners. To avoid cramping up with the others, we ended up eating at the FoodChoise. Only had wraps for lunch, and just ate the extra pasta from Tita P. Gotta watch that diet, even I know that a wheat wrap won't help with mayo on the chunky chicken and the hot sauce from the pasta. Oh well, can't help myself, I just love it. Yum! :-)
Spent almost an hour at Timezone with my daughter, gosh, she wouldn't miss it every Sunday! After a few turns, I decided to buy 2 mini cheesecakes for my mom and my mom-in-law. Flower is overrated, plus, extra expensive for the occasion, that's why I decided to get a piece of the sweet little things. It's sugar-free, so it won't hurt that much.hehe.
Have to rest for a while, so I took a nap before hitting the dinner table. And what's for dinner? Guess what!?! My hubby treated us to Racks! The best ribs in town! And I totally agree. My daughter also loved their mac & cheese, and I'm definitely looking forward for the next. Omg, imagine the calories for the day. Sigh!

